четвртак, 7. децембар 2017.

Zaful wishlist

Hi everyone!

Here comes a short wishlist from Zaful
 Zaful always has some amazing items for everyone! And since I'm already in a Christmas spirit I found some items that have Christmas written all over them.

 Links: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

уторак, 14. новембар 2017.

Sammydress review

 Hi everyone!

Today I'm doing a review of the items that I got from Sammydress. This is also my first review ever and I'm pretty excited.
I ordered five sets of mermaid brushes. For me and my friends.

The  set contains 6 mermaid brushes. They have been a big hit since the start of this year so I ordered them to see what all of the fuss was about.
They are really amazing. My friends and I are in love with them. And also my friends were very surprised when I gave them these amazing brushes.

The quality is very, very, very good and  the hair doesn't fall out of them. You can see that they have little tails on the end and that's why they are called mermaid makeup brushes.

I'll maybe order some more in the future cause they are a great present for Christmas, birthdays and etc.

Thanks for reading my first review!

среда, 11. октобар 2017.

Sammydress wishlist

Zdravo svimaaa!
Ovo je moja prva lista želja sa sajta SammyDress. Uopsteno, moja prva saradnja gde porucujem stvarcice.
Izabracu sa Sammydressa cetiri stvarcice iz raznih odseka na sammydressu.
Samo cu postaviti slike cetiri proizvoda koji mi se mnogo dopadaju, a nadam se da ce i vama.
Pa da pocnem !


Koji vam se proizvod od ovih najvise dopada?
Hvala na citanju :)

среда, 27. септембар 2017.

ZAFUL Launches Free Three-Day Shipping On Every Item!

ZAFUL Launches Free Three-Day Shipping On Every Item!

We now grandly promotes you the new free shipping event. Every product that could be found on ZAFUL using the standard shipping method will now cost no shipping fee for three days. The new offer is available starting at 26th 2PM ~29th 2PM (GMT+8)

Excellent combination with Bundle sale & Free shipping
A bundle sale is available during this event. Buy two items to get extra $4 off, buy three and get extra $8 off. Get huge discount with no coupon needed.


No matter what you’re looking for; No matter how low the price is; Everything will be a lot more worth to buy during this free three-day shipping event. We are looking forward to enhance our customer experience and accelerate growth by this move.

Zaful helps people around the world to save money and dress better. Hope you enjoy shopping in ZAFUL.com

1.Free shipping is only for standard shipping . Express shipping will cost shipping fee.
2.The bundle sale discount is only for items included in the bundle-sale promote page.

Secret charming selections
Want your boyfriends spend a little more time hanging out with you? Want to be more attractive like the brightest star shinning upon the darkness?

A little peek in here and you might find something that inspires you. Several adorable outfit selections presented by our LOOKBOOK models.

Don’t even worry about pair up, we already done it for you. It’s time to catch someone’s eye across the crowd.

понедељак, 25. септембар 2017.

New specials for the fall season

New specials for the fall season

Don’t you think the weather is turning a little bit cold? Your summer clothes couldn’t maintain body temperature anymore. That is to say, It’s time to prepare your new outfit for Autumn/Winter.

Talking about looking good in the fall season. What could be better than a sweatshirt/sweater? We prepared and proudly represent you the 2017 fall season collection! No matter you’re a lover of cardigan styled , tunics or lace-up sweaters. We have them all included. Here are some of the most recommends.

2017年9月Sweatshirt&Sweater口碑推广2  2017年9月Sweatshirt&Sweater口碑推广3

This Boat neck loose sweater deserve to be one of the must-have item.Comfortable and easy to match with different outfit. Perfect for outdoors activities.

2017年9月Sweatshirt&Sweater口碑推广  2017年9月Sweatshirt&Sweater口碑推广1

Boat Neck Lace Up Sweater which suits in any situation.We have other colors for option too! Check it out.
2017年9月Sweatshirt&Sweater口碑推广4  2017年9月Sweatshirt&Sweater口碑推广5

A spice Zipper Sleeve Choker Sweater with best quality and unique fashion design. Simple but attractive!

“Where did you get that sweater?”

”I would also like a sweatshirt!”.

Does this sounds quiet familiar? Here’s you great opportunity to feel warm and look cool at the same time, click on the link below to add these finest and cheap rates collections into your wardrobe. The cold season is approaching, better hurry!

четвртак, 20. април 2017.

First post :)

Zdravo svima! Ja sam ovaj blog otvorila prosle godine negde u julu. Kao sto mozete videti objavila sam samo jedan, uvodni post do sada. Nisam imala vremena da pisem blog pa sam odstala od toga.Ali evo, na nagovor drugarice konacno pocinjem sa pisanjem. Jako sam srecna i uzbudjena i nadam se da cu od vas imati podrsku!

U ovom prvom postu pisacu o sebi i o temi ovog mog bloga.

Ime mi je Milica i zivim u jednom malom mirnom gradicu u Srbiji. Prvenstveno sam otvorila blog zbog moje velike ljubavi prema pisanju, a zatim jer mislim da ce ovo biti jedno jako lepo i zabavno iskustvo.

Na blogu cu pisati najvise o modi i lepoti (jer ih obozavam) a onda ce tu biti i joos puno, puno postova i tema poput DIY-eva, putovanja, knjigaa i nekih lekcija iz zivota.
Pisacu i na srpskom i engleskom jer sam na drugim blogovima videla puno publike iz stranih zemalja,a ne samo sa Balkana. Samo ovaj prvi post nece biti na engleskom.

Druzeljubiva sam i otvorena za saradnje sa drugim blogerima. Tako da ukoliko zelite da saradjujete sa mnom ne plasite se da pitate xd. Takodje sam i jedna tinejdzerka koja ne zna sta ce da radi sa zivotom.  Dosta volim fotografiju tako da cete verovatno cesto vidjati fotografije koje sam ja napravila. A inace muzika mi je zivot. I da, mogu reci za sebe da sam hipik xd

Dobrodosli na moj blog!