среда, 24. јануар 2018.

Random Wishlist

Hello everyone! How are you?

Now, I'm presenting you another whislist from site Gamiss. For the record, I am grateful for the   chance to work with this amazing site. I loved their swimsuits so I will present them toi you here.

Link: HERE

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недеља, 21. јануар 2018.

Zaful review

Hello everyone!

Today I'm doing my first review of Zaful's products. I ordered two things, two sets of makeup brushes.

The first set contains 12 makeup brushses. They are diamond shaped and they look amazing!
I'm totally in love with these brushes and I use them all the time.
They are just perfect..

The second set contains six oval brushes. They are good and you can easily use them.
They blend powder goood and they are just amazing!


Thanks for reading!